Distribution Law
  1. Author of the standard commentary of the Austrian Commercial Agents Act 1993 and other textbooks and publication in law journals
  2. Generally sworn-in and certified court expert for the calculation of the good will indemnity (commercial agent, authorized distributor, franchisee) pursuant to sections 24, 26d Austrian Commercial Agents Act 1993 (Art 17 Council Directive 86/653/EEC of 18 December 1986 on the coordination of the laws of the Member States relating to self-employed commercial agents)
  3. Arbitrator in numerous arbitral proceedings concerning disputes arsing out of distribution agreements
  4. Former Lecturer for Distribution Law at the University of Applied Sciences Wr. Neustadt
  5. Expert opinions (for example, in arbitration proceedings)
  6. Seminars
  1. law of the commercial agents
  2. law of the authorized distributors
  3. franchise law
  4. law of commercial brokers
  5. direct distribution
Employment Law & Industrial Relations (employers)
  1. Former Lecturer for Labour Law & Industrial Relations for many years at several Universities of Applied Sciences in Carinthia and Styria
  2. Former Lecturer for Labour Law & Industrial Relations at University Vienna Faculty of Law
  3. Publications in Law Journals
  4. Seminars
  1. Employment Law
  2. Industrial Relations (works agreements, termination/dismissals, etc)
  3. restructuring of business, transfer of business, labour costs reduction, etc
Data Protection
  1. Seminars
  1. Arbitrator (sole arbitrator, chair) in arbitral proceedings pursuant VIAC, DIS, ICC, UNCITRAL, etc
  2. Legal counsel in arbitration proceedings
  3. Expert opinions in arbitration proceedings
Insurance Law
General private law & commercial law



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